Senin, 12 Februari 2018

Actually, What is Internet Marketing?

Marketing Online Or Internet Marketing Its Same
Marketing Online Or Internet Marketing Its Same
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What is Internet Marketing ?
Maybe all this time our understanding of internet marketing it is just selling via the internet. Actually it is not wrong because if viewed from the definition, internet marketing it is marketing online via internet. However, if we already talk marketing, it means not only sales but also including promotion, branding, and foster customer relationships (customer service) is done online.
Then, what's the point we are doing internet marketing (online marketing)? Surely every businessman, be it offline business owners or online business owners, would want to increase their sales results or want to make their brand more famous again. Well, the internet is one of the excellent media to provide information to internet users (netter) about their business, and also as a medium to sell their products.
In order to facilitate us to better understand about internet marketing, I will try to explain in a more simple way and provide some examples of internet marketing form commonly done by the internet marketers.Forms internet marketing that we can divide into 2 parts, namely as Source of Income , and Way of Promotion . What is done in internet marketing is actually only two of it, but the type of business is very much.
Here is a more simple explanation of internet marketing:

I. Internet Marketing For Sources of Income (Source of Income)

Currently, the Internet has become one of the lifestyle of people in Indonesia, especially for those who have gadgets with the latest technologies such as, smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Take a look around you, almost everyone already has a smartphone, even siomay carpenter also has a BlackBerry in order to be able to direct the promotion of its merchandise. Live Broad Cast, the promotion up to its customers who also have a BlackBerry, his dummy sells hehehe deh.
Running internet marketing to earn money can be done with several types of business, including PPC (Pay Per Click), PPS (Pay Per Sale), PPL (Pay Per Lead), sell their own products, and online auction business.

1. PPC (Pay Per Click)

PPC (Pay Per Click) programs are mostly done by website owners / blogs to earn revenue from their sites. Income earned from this PPC program is derived from clicks made by visitors / visitors who are interested in an ad on the site. The publisher or the owner of the site will be paid per click made by the site's visitors, where the price per click is pre-determined by the Advertiser / advertiser. The amount of earnings depends on the number of ad clicks and also the price of the bid clicks by the Advertiser.
Some companies that offer PPC programs include:

2. PPS (Pay Per Sale)

From the name alone we may be able to understand about this program. We will be paid every time a purchase of products originating from our affiliate link. The amount of income depends on the amount of goods sold, and also the percentage rate of the commission from the owner of the goods.
Companies that offer PPS programs include:

3. PPL (Pay Per Lead)

This is an affiliate program where the seller / vendor will give a commission every time we successfully send leads to the vendor / vendor. For example we are directing internet users to register on email newsletter, free trial, or fill out the form, through our affiliate link. One company that offers PPL programs is .

4. Selling Your Own Products or Other Products

Right now, selling something over the internet is not something extraordinary. We can sell anything via the internet whether it's a physical product or a digital form. In addition, our offline business can also be marketed via the internet. For example we have a business selling fried onions, just selling via the internet, there must be a buy :)
In addition to selling their own products, we can also earn money by selling other people's products, be they physical products or digital products. One of the internet marketing process by selling other people's products is by becoming a reseller or dropshipper of other people's products. So also with the digital products, we can become an affiliate marketer for a product sold by others.

5. Auction (Online Auction)

On the internet there is also a place to sell something ours or other people's property that we help sell, by way of auction. Surely this can be profitable because we can sell our goods to people who bid with the highest price.
A well-known company that provides online auction facilities:

II. Internet Marketing For Online Promotion (Traffic Generation)

As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, online promotion is one form of internet marketing. No matter what product or business to promote, the internet is one of the most effective medium to build brand and make our business website known to many people.
There are many ways to promote business through internet media, such as through SEO (Search Engine Optimization), through PPC Advertising (PPC Advertising), Email Marketing, Mobile Advertising, and Social Media Marketing.

1. PPC Advertising (PPC Ads)

Unlike the PPC program for publishers, PPC Ads program is intended for advertisers / advertisers who want to promote their business. In this case we as an advertiser must spend money for the PPC Ads organizer company to display our ads on the network of their publisher site. Of course we can set the price of advertising in accordance with the existing budget.
Some of the companies that offer this program are:

2. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is a form of online promotion that I like very much because it's free. However, SEO requires special skills, requiring a process with no time. In fact, SEO often requires the cost to do the optimization.
That is why there are many website owners who are willing to spend money to hire SEO services to make their business site in the main page search results search engine.

3. SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

Unlike SEO, search engine marketing is an advertising network of search engine companies that display ads on search results pages. In Indonesia, Google is the most used search engine on the internet.
For keywords that are searched for by internet users, we will see ads on the top and bottom of search results of a keyword. Many internet marketing experts say that Google Adwords is a very high marketing method of conversion because our website pages have a great opportunity to get potential customers from search engines.

4. Email Marketing

As the name implies, email marketing is the process of marketing a product or service by using email as a tool. Email marketing is also a variety of types, there are direct email, email retention, and advertise in other people's email. Marketing via email is usually very effective because the promotion or sales letter can be directly sent to the owner of the email account.
Important note to remember is we can not do SPAM because it will disturb others, and of course will harm our own because the owner of email can make unscribe or enter our email into SPAMMER list.

5. Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising is, advertising services through mobile devices. Smartphone users are now a lot, and usually their phones are taken wherever they go. This is what makes mobile advertising very effective for business promotion media. Some models of mobile ads is via SMS, MMS, Banner Ads, Games, and others.

6. Social Media Marketing

Just as with SEO, online promotion by using social media can be done for free. As we know, users of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube, the number is very much. And this is a very effective promotional media to market any product via the internet.
Social media also has an advertising feature that is very much used by internet marketers to gain traffic and sales. Some of the most popular ones today are:
  • Facebook Ads
  • Twitter Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • YouTube Ads

7. Marketing Through Forums

There are now a lot of forums created specifically to discuss certain topics. An example is The forum addresses topics ranging from politics, business, national, and more. One of the sub forums in Kaskus is special for online merchants who want to market their products through Kaskus. In addition to Kaskus, there are still some more forums that can be used as an online marketing medium, will be discussed in another article.
So a little explanation of what it is internet marketing, and the media that can be utilized for online marketing. Indeed there are many ways to do internet marketing, but we do not need to do everything because not all marketing methods can be successful we do. Therefore, choose some that are effective and suitable to make money online or marketing products / services to be promoted. Thank you for reading my article, hopefully useful

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