Senin, 20 November 2017

LESS CSS Animasi Ajaib (Magic Sphere)


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6-32-9.4-15.5-34-13.9-52-16-28.5-3.3-60.5-7.3-86 6-52.7 27.5-64.8 102.8-112 139-27.5 21.1-62.4 53.7-95 42-12.6-4.5-16.6-22.7-18-36-1.6-14.7 0.5-32.6 11-43 40.7-40.3 115.5-15.7 167-41 14.9-7.3 31.4-16.2 39-31 5.7-11 7-25.7 2-37-5.4-12.1-18.8-19.9-31-25-21-8.8-47.3-17.6-68-8-9.8 4.5-14.8 16.7-18 27-5.9 18.8-2.9 39.4-1 59 4 41.4 27.6 80.4 26 122-0.5 14.2-5.3 28.4-12 41-10.3 19.2-20.3 48.5-42 50-38.4 2.7-71.4-41.4-86-77-6.2-15.1-1.4-33.2 3-49 11.8-41.8 62.3-71.6 61-115-0.4-14.1-10.6-27.8-22-36-7.5-5.4-19.7-11.6-27-6-19.2 14.5-9.7 48.7-4 72 13.2 53.9 71.4 89.2 85 143 5.8 23 3.2 48.1-3 71-5.2 19.3-8.5 57.5-28 53-9.8-2.2-4.5-20.6-1-30 4.6-12.4 16.2-21.4 27-29 83-56.3 182.5-51.2 266-117 13.1-12.9 22.3-31.7 23-50 0.5-12.4-4.5-25.9-13-35-16.2-17.5-43.2-39.7-65-30-47.9 42.1-28.1 119.7-54 175-25.4 54.1-53.9 109.7-98 150-27.9 25.4-63.4 43.9-100 53-13.3 3.3-27.9 4.1-41 0-12.4-3.8-26-10.5-32-22-8.5-16.2-11.7-40.9 0-55 18.4-22.2 56.2-14.2 85-16 22-1.4 44.6-1.2 66 4 47.7 11.5 87.2 47.8 135 59 26 6.1 60.1 21.7 80 4 11.2-10 10-31.7 3-45-2.2-4.1-7.4-6.6-12-7-19.9-1.7-38.6 11.2-56 21-35.9 20.3-57.8 64.2-97 77-23.8 7.8-52.5 8-75-3-27-13.2-66.4-40.1-58-69 3.7-12.8 24.8-10.5 38-12 55.1-6.3 115.9 36.8 166 13 24.9-11.8 64.3-46.6 47-68-117 14.9-179.1 91.5-283 117-16.6 3.6-35.3 8.6-51 2-12.4-5.2-21.3-17.8-27-30-9.1-19.5-15.3-43.4-9-64 4.1-13.3 15.3-25.3 28-31 40.4-18.3 90.5-14.5 133-2 36.9 10.9 66.7 39.1 96 64 25.3 21.5 37.7 59.2 68 73 34.6 15.8 88 31.8 114 4 17.9-19.1 4.2-54.9-8-78-16.9-32-46.9-67.4-83-70-40.3-2.9-75.9 34-103 64-14.2 15.7-34.4 36.8-28 57 7.7 24.3 42.3 30.6 67 37 14.2 3.7 29.7 3.3 44 0 15.5-3.6 30.3-11.3 43-21 19.3-14.8 38.2-32.7 48-55 9.8-22.4 19-51.1 8-73-7.6-15.2-27.8-20.7-44-26-23.9-7.7-54.8-21.9-75-7-20.6 15.1-19 49.6-16 75 1 8.4 4.6 17.4 11 23 8.2 7.1 20.2 9 31 10 22.1 2.1 48.6 5.8 66-8 11.4-9 13.8-26.5 15-41 1.1-12.8 1.7-28.5-7-38-20.8-22.8-58.8-31.2-89-25-10.9 2.2-21.7 10.7-26 21-2.7 6.5-3 16.1 2 21 22.5 21.9 63.1 11.5 94 6 12.2-2.2 25-6.5 34-15 18.4-17.2 29-42.5 35-67 4.3-17.5 4.2-36.5 0-54-4.3-17.8-13.5-34.7-25-49-17.8-22.1-40.9-40.6-66-54-32.3-17.2-68.4-32.9-105-32-8.9 0.2-18.4 3.1-25 9-14.3 12.9-20.5 33.3-25 52-5.4 22-11.3 47.3-2 68 4.3 9.5 14.4 16.1 24 20 18.9 7.7 40.9 8.6 61 5 36.2-6.6 78.8-16.9 100-47 12.3-17.5 12.7-43.6 6-64-5.3-16.1-18.4-31.3-34-38-42.1-17.9-91.5 9-137 5-19-1.7-39.1-3.2-56-12-10.5-5.4-20.4-13.6-26-24-5.1-9.5-9-22-5-32 2-5.1 8-7.9 13-10 40.6-17.2 86.9-16.7 131-19 58.6-3.1 127.4-27.2 176 7 11.1 25.4-33 45-54 63-14.3 12.3-29.5 26.4-48 30-18.9 3.7-39.4-2.1-57-10-7.4-3.3-15.3-7.8-19-15-3.9-7.7-4.7-18.1-1-26 7.7-16.4 26-26.8 43-33 30.7-11.1 66.4-12.3 98-4 9.8 2.6 21.7 6.8 26 16 8 17.5 5.3 44.2-9 57-26.3 23.6-70.9 9.1-106 5-13.1-1.5-26.8-4.1-38-11-12.9-7.9-17.3-26.6-31-33-28.1-13.2-62.8-13.4-93-6-16.3 4-34.8 11.4-43 26-4.6 8.1-4.1 19.6 0 28 3.3 6.8 10.8 11.4 18 14 21.7 7.8 47.6 10.3 69 2 15.2-5.9 28.5-19.1 35-34 8.2-19 15.4-47.2 1-62-19.1-19.6-56-9.6-82-1-24.6 8.1-51 23.5-62 47-18.1 38.7 22.7 88.7 6 128-4.2 9.8-14 17.4-24 21-17.5 6.4-40.4 9.3-56-1-17.7-11.7-27.3-36.9-26-58 2.5-40.5 78.8-68.3 63-104-10.6-15-38.1 1.8-54 11-9.2 5.3-18 13.8-21 24-4.9 16.8 1.1 35.9 8 52 6.4 15.1 18.5 27.3 30 39 28.4 28.9 83.7 37 95 76 5.4 18.6-5.1 41.5-19 55-12 11.7-33.1 22.7-48 15-14.6-7.6-20.6-31.5-15-47 26-55.5 112.1-51.6 151-97 10.2-11.9 27.8-30.1 19-43-8.7-12.7-32.8-5.8-46 2-7.7 4.6-10.7 14.7-14 23-17.4 43.4-11.5 94-30 137-13.4 31.1-30.2 63.4-57 84-5.6 4.3-13 8.1-20 7-12.7-1.9-24.3-12-31-23-12.4-20.2 11.5-72.7-12-70-26.9 3.1-5.3 56 5 81 3.9 9.4 11.6 17.3 20 23 13.7 9.4 30.7 13.6 47 17 48.4 10.2 101.1 25.7 148 10 28.5-9.5 51.3-34 68-59 14.1-21 20.6-46.9 24-72 2.4-17.9 10.8-42.4-3-54-11.5-9.7-30.9-0.5-45 5-12.7 4.9-23.6 14.1-33 24-14.3 15-27.6 32.3-34 52-8.8 27.3 10.9 61.5-4 86-8.6 14.2-26.4 24.9-43 25-13 0.1-28.8-7.1-34-19-8-18.2 0.9-43.1 14-58 41.9-47.7 126.6-30.6 178-68 26.6-19.4 50-46.3 62-77 9.2-23.7 21.1-56.3 5-76-22.1-27.1-69-15.4-104-14-36.1 1.4-76.8 1.7-106 23-14 10.2-21.3 28.3-26 45-8.5 30.5 4.8 64.1-2 95-3.9 17.8-11.5 35.1-22 50-10.3 14.7-22.7 29.6-39 37-9.4 4.3-21.7 7.6-31 3-16.3-8-25.6-28.2-29-46-6.3-33.3 47.2-81.2 19-100-11.6-7.8-28.8 10.5-35 23-6.9 13.8-5.6 33.3 3 46 32.5 48 126.5 23.5 157 75 5.1 14.8-10.1 30.7-21 42-8.2 8.5-19.4 15.2-31 17-18.8 2.9-38.3-3.9-56-11-14.3-5.8-30.3-12.3-39-25-5.6-8.1-8.4-19.4-6-29 7.8-30.5 38-50.5 61-72 32.7-30.6 82.7-43.1 108-80 14.9-21.7 34.6-53.5 21-76-7.4-12.2-27.9-11.6-42-9-9 1.7-16.2 8.9-23 15-9 8.1-17.9 17-23 28-11.6 24.9-16.9 53.6-15 81 0.9 12.6 6 24.9 12 36 27.9 51.6 83.9 85 109 138 9.3 19.7 27.5 46.8 14 64-26.4 33.6-89.9 22.1-128 3-22.7-11.4-19.5-55.7-44-62-22.2-5.7-47.6 12.1-62 30-4.5 5.6-5.2 13.8-5 21 0.1 4.9 0.2 11 4 14 60.7 34 134.2 19.2 199 5 22.9-5 43.4-18.3 63-31 30.6-19.9 48.2-63.2 84-70 13.5-2.5 30.6 2.2 39 13 12.4 16.1 17.6 45.8 4 61-18.7 20.9-57.1 11.9-84 4-15.3-4.5-27.9-16.5-39-28-25.4-26.2-46.2-57.6-61-91-6.1-13.8-9.7-28.9-11-44-2.5-28.3-5-58.8 6-85 20.1-47.7 55.2-96.3 103-116 4.9-2 11.8-2.3 16 1 33.9 26.5 40.7 80 39 123-0.7 18.7-9.3 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