Jumat, 17 November 2017

Hiding javascript to increase blogger blog speed

Me often find comments on blogs Mascots inquiring about blogger
widgets that can not be performed, such as the blog's stat widgets
and more. Well that's because Maskolis add a code that hides
JavaScript Widget widget Blogger so that all bloggers are using
JavaScript automatically become unworkable.

It turned out that this is done in order to speed up the loading of
the blog. With the existence of this code, the browser can not
recognize native JavaScript code Blogger.As we have seen, that the
amount of JavaScript code in the blog, the more burdensome loading
the blog.
Perhaps some of you ask what the hell that Blogger Widget
Javascript? If you look at the page source of your blog as CTRL +
U, then you will see at the bottom of the HTML template you like
the code below.
<script type="text/javascript" src="//www.blogger.com/static/v1/widgets/1384195903-widgets.js"></script>
And there are some code below to above the </ body>. Now the
codes are hidden.For example, please look at the page source of
this page at the bottom.Definitely you will see the above code and
some code underneath the green all. That's because there is a code
that hides the code on top of the brower so javascript links do not
appear as live links.
Javascript code that hides Blogger Widget is as below:
Well for those of you who have a blog and want to speed up the
loading and want to use the code above, please change the code
</ body> in the bottom edit HTML code above. After that
please check by looking at the source page. If the Javascript code
Widget Blogger above there at the bottom was green all, it means
you've successfully hide Blogger Widget Javascript.
But if you want to use the widget blogger and it can not be
displayed or an error, let alone check the HTML template of your
blog. Who know the maker of your blog's template using this trick.
If your blog template using & lt;!-</
body>-&gt;&lt;/body&gt; this, please replace the
</ body>.

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