Senin, 09 Oktober 2017

Steps How to Create Cool and Ready Famous Vlog

In modern times, technology is developing faster and faster. Especially in the field of communication, the Internet has now become the number one facility that is used to communicate. Not only to communicate, today many people use the internet facility to get the money. There are many ways that can be done in getting money by using the internet. One way is to Create a vlog. You already know what it vlog? Vlog is a video blog, which was developed from the blog, which means a journalistic documentation in the form of moving pictures and audio that contains the life, thoughts, opinions, and interests.
Vloggers vlog uploaded on video sharing sites such as YouTube. YouTube is currently the most desirable sites for affairs vlog. Many people are now becoming vlogger for a sideline profession or is used as a main profession. However, to become a professional vlogger, certainly not random in Create vlog. Vlog should be made as attractive as possible in order to get a lot of viewers and liked by many people. To Create interesting vlog, tenth there steps. Well, here let us refer to the steps on how to Create a Vlog:
1. What is your goal Create a vlog?
Before moving into the manufacture of vl, you must answer this question. What is your goal Create a vlog? Is it just for fun or really want to be a professional vlogger? It is time you should set up a schedule of activities and zeal another vlog. So later you can focus in Create vlog.
2. Determine the discussion vlog
Before Create vlog surely you must determine what the discussion in your vlog later. Choose the category that you prefer and in the event you can afford, so that later you can regularly keep working in Create vlog. This is because if you choose a category beyond your abilities possibility of a long time you will get bored and difficulties in Create vlog.
3. Create a nice vlog channel name
Make a vlog channel name that represents the ideas and vlogging category you select on the YouTube site. Vlog channel name will also affect interest in viewers to see your vlog. Vlog channel name should really you think that in the future you will not regret Create the channel name. Connect channel Your YouTube it with Google AdSense (Ads) because that way you will get the money.
4. Choosing a good camera
To produce good quality vlog, vlogging sure to use a good camera. You should choose a camera with HD quality, because YouTube has been able to show videos with HD quality even 4K. So the HD camera is the minimum requirement. With HD video will be displays with More Qualities, then slow network audience could easily watch video with low quality. Instead the audience that the network can watch smooth HD quality video. Do not worry, today is you can get a camera with HD quality for $ 1-3 million. Today many compact cameras or even mobile phones that already have HD quality.
5. Practicing vlogging
The next step that you can do is practice vlogging, that is to practice speaking in front of the camera lens and convey the discussion in any activity that you make a vlog. Choice of words, diction and intonation of speech must be observed that the audience understand what the purpose of what you say. The important thing is make the audience entertained, not bored, and understand what you say.
6. Learn the technique of shooting
Try to take pictures using the camera from different positions until you find the right position to get a good picture. Do not forget to check the ISO setting if the image is underexposed, or if the sound is less loud. By continuing to study the longer you will become more proficient.
7. Note the audio
Do not forget to pay attention to the audio well, especially when you are vlogging outdoors or in a crowded place. Because if the audio is not good, the audience does not hear what you are talking about so that they would get bored watching your video. Maybe you've seen vlogger being vlogging outdoors, they always hold the phone and wearing a headset, it is a recording device they use outdoors to voice heard more clearly. You can also use an external audio record that sounds really clean and clear.
8. Pay attention to lighting
Lighting also must pay attention. Video with lighting that is not good or too dark certainly will Make the audience feel uncomfortable and bored. If you were in the room with low light, you can turn on all the lights or you can also use the help of lighting devices.
9. The process of editing video
After you record all activities for your vlog, the next step that you do is edit the video. In terms of video editing, there may be some things you like to do, such as video crop, video transitions, provide certain effects, giving the pictures to look attractive, and others. When you first will edit the video, you may binging what software would you use and how to use the software. There are some video editing software that you can use, namely Adobe Premiere, Sony Vegas, and Final Cut Pro. You do not need to wonder how this third use of the software. Three are the same, only the placement of the editing tools are different. If you're still confused, you can see the video editing tutorials. You can look it up on YouTube. Next, try to look at some vlogs other people, so that you will know of what should be improved from your vlog. For the audio portion, you need to add back sound so your vlog not look crisp and the audience does not get bored just treated to thy prating. Use the free audio copyright or not copyrighted, so you can freely use the audio without having to fear will be a warning. Try to always experimenting in video editing, so that later in the long run you will become more proficient.
10. Upload your video to YouTube channel
After you are finished editing the video and you think it's nice, upload your video to the YouTube channel you have created. And the next step, you can promote it in a way share it on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Path, Instagram, and others so that there will be viewers who watch your vlog.
Similarly, a few steps how to Create a vlog. Keep practicing and working so that the results are getting better. May be useful.

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