Jumat, 22 September 2017


When first mate to create a blog must have occurred in the mind of my friend, for what this blog will be created. Maybe at first just a hobby or sport. But with the passage of time may be buddies want more than that.
Anyone would know how the development of the current blog. Many out there are beginning to create a blog just a fad, then jump to the more serious. They made a blog is not just a hobby, they deliberately create a website to increase income, could even exceed their income outside the blog.
Many ways and tricks performed to monetize their blogs. What exactly did they do before memoniteze a blog. They need a traffic. Traffic is highest for those earning more.

Here I just want to share tips with a friend, how to increase traffic to your blog or website.
1. Update and update.
Update your blog with useful content to keep your visitors coming back and looking forward to new content buddies are up to date.
2. Keyword.
Include keywords releven for content pal. Do not make the keywords that are repeated, because Google do not like and could be considered spam so it does not appear in the search engines.
3. Add the RSS feed link.
So that visitors know the latest content, my friend can attach Rss Feeds link on your blog.
4. Submit your blog to various search engines.
In general, search engines have a tool submit blog. Send link buddy to a search engine such as Google or Yahoo, so the search engines will merakak and include your page from their results. Because search engines are the best way to improve traffick blog.
Make sure pal leave your blog URL address in the comment. Give meaningful comments that might invite people to click the link to find out more buddies.
6. Submitting articles to social bookmarking sites.
Take a little time to post articles buddy buddy to social sites like Digg, Reddit, Stumbluepon. Submit articles the best according to my friend.
7. Add Tag.
Tag-shaped links are easily found by search engines. Tags can also be called additional keywords so that your blog has a chance to appear on the search engine.
8. Been to the forum.
Discover a great community to participate through the forum. If at the forum may leave a link, do not forget to leave your blog URL address.
To share with another friend, my friend can add in the comments how to increase blog traffic tips.
Meningkatkan Traffic blog

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