Selasa, 26 September 2017


If my friend had more than one blog and want to show the other blog to another blog can use this iframe. Due to the usefulness of this iframe is to show another blog to our blog.

Of course in using iframe some like and others do not. Sukanya we can read and read other blogs within a blog. And perhaps less joy iframe page that we love bebanya will increase because they have opened two blogs at once. Automatic loading time will increase as well.

For that to this blog is not too heavy I would love iframe example by displaying a page from one of this blog as well.
The code that we use are:
<iframe> </ iframe>
Medium astribut frequently used are:
  • ALIGN = "left / right"
  • FRAMEBORDER = "borderline"
  • WIDTH = "width"
  • HEIGHT = "high"
  • SCROLLING = "auto / yes / no"
  • SRC = "url address to be in the show"
Below is an example of iframes zoom I took from one of the pages of this blog.
And the following code:
<iframe align = "left" frameborder = "1" src = "" width = "585" height = "400" scrolling = "auto"> </ iframe>

Hopefully useful!

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