Minggu, 24 September 2017

free calls over the internet

Actually there are several free telephone facilities on the internet using VoIP, and Skype is one of them. To make calls for free users are only required to have an account and download the application. Call via skype can be done via pc to pc, phone to phone, or from PC to phone.

Skype has joined forces with Microsoft to millions of users on the internet. In addition to free phone calls via skype also provide video (video call) that can be done individually or in groups.

To be able to use the facilities free phone via the Internet friend can go to www.skype.com. to create an account there, and download the application. For those using hp friend can customize the type hp friend use.

When my friend was on skype can connect directly with Facebook friends.

Newsfeed feature that can be seen:
  • See the Facebook wall directly from Skype.
  • Facebook status updates.
  • Comments on the status of friends.
  • Can directly call facebook friends.
  • See the facebook friends from the contact list.
  • See Facebook friends when you're online.
  • Facebook instant message directly from Skype.
When logged into facebook buddy buddy can also make calls in facebook via skype.

To create an account friend can directly go to www.skype.com.
Enjoy free calls over the internet.

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