Sabtu, 16 September 2017

AMP Social Sharing Button Added BBM and WhatsApp

Today I combine the share button for Line and BBM with other social share buttons like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Pinteres, and Whatsapp.

To combine all the share buttons, I found the responsive social sharing buttons pretty cool. Then I slightly modify it to add a share button for Line and BBM and customize it with Blogger for easy pairing and running. All icons on this social sharing responsive use SVG, so there is no need to link font icons like the Awesome Font and of course support all modern browsers.
For the tutorial Please follow the steps below.
Make sure your blog is already using any version of the jquery library.
Please save the following CSS style code above </ head> code.

Add below code into above </body> tag.

Find code below in html editor (template blogger)
<b:includable id='shareButtons' var='post'>

then add below codes Under code </b:includable>
And please save the code below where you want to display the button, usually below the post.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<b:include data='post' name='share-tool'/>

So how to make AMP Social Sharing Button added BBM and WhatsApp, hopefully useful.

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